Why is my stack script not executing on server creation?

When I log in to my box there is a file called StackScript in the root directory, and if I run ./StackScript it executes, but I thought the whole point of these scripts were to run automatically? If my script is simple as


mkdir test

there is no test directory when I connect through ssh.. but if I run ./StackScript, there's a test directory. So I know the script is working.. it just isn't being executed. Am I missing something?

1 Reply

Stackscripts are run automatically at the moment of server creation, and they're intended to make it easy to deploy custom systems. If you created a Stackscript, technically the only time it should be run is when you create a Linode:

To test out your use-case, I created a Stackscript on my own account which read as follows:


mkdir test

I then deployed a server using this Stackscript and I was able to locate the test directory on my server (test was nested in the root / directory):

root@localhost:~# cd / && ls -la | grep -i test
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 Jun  2 16:42 test


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