Yast GUI messed up when accessed through Lish


Whenever I connect to my Linodes running OpenSUSE (15.2) via Lish and open Yast, the interface is tiny and completely messed up.

Here's a screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/3g6nOfo.png.

I'm using SecureCRT with the same terminal settings (Xterm) as the Linodes connections themselves, and I'm not sure what else I can tweak to enable proper color display that isn't limited to a tiny size.

Any ideas?

Thank you.

3 Replies

Looks like the size needs to be manually specified within the Linode connected through LiSH, like so:

stty cols 400 rows 75

Still not sure how to fix the color, but I'll keep looking. Is it not possible to set more modern defaults within Lish itself, or at least let us customize some config file for it?

Hmm, I tried export TERM=xterm (as well as linux) but the display is still funky. It's color now but moving around the menu is really wonky, random stuff is blinking or losing text, like so: https://i.imgur.com/EZZzNur.png.

I'm at a loss about how to fix this fully.

Don't use lish/glish for this. These two things are designed as a virtual replacement for the special /dev/console device. lish/glish are pretty limited in what they can do (e.g., they do not support scrolling).

As a historical artifact, the console has had a special function in Unix/Linux systems going all the way back to the first research editions of Unix. Typically, the console was a dumb, Teletype-style device with very limited capabilities. You could use it for logins in an emergency but it's function was typically relegated to output only. You can think of lish/glish to be web-based versions of these teletype devices.

The devices you used for everyday work (the /dev/tty* devices) were smarter devices that were CRTs (DEC VT100s in the early days) that allowed for scrolling, command-line editing, block mode and command histories.

The drivers for the console and tty's reflect these differences as well…the console device driver is pretty stupid. Set up ssh(1)/sudo(8) and run YaST in an ssh(1) session where the remote terminal program (like Mac Terminal) will respond to setting TERM and stty(1) commands.

-- sw


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