This site can’t be reached

My website running fine until recently gets this error " unexpectedly closed the connection." There was a linode maintenance going on but I tried to access the website after the maintenance was done and there was no problem.

I tried to restart apache2 and from "ss -plunt" it shows that apache is listening on port 80.

Also here is the message after I do apache2ctl restart

AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using ***. Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message

Anyone can help? Thanks.

4 Replies

The domain you listed doesn't appear to be at Linode.

I get a google cloud address for the bare domain and for www.

Quick edit:
Whois for the domain says it is a godaddy registered domain. When I look at the site, it's a godaddy page saying the domain has expired; (they probably still have it available to you to fix - login to your godaddy account and it'll probably tell you to update your billing info…)

@livegood --

Hmmm… I get an expired domain name page from GoDaddy when I navigate to your URL…

In the .conf file in /etc/apache2/sites-available where you define the apache2(8) configuration for your site, insert the directive:


If you have a <VirtualHost></VirtualHost> block, the ServerName directive must go inside the <VirtualHost></VirtualHost> block.

You might want to consider inserting


as well…and creating a DNS A/AAAA record for www for your IP address(es). This will allow your site to be known as both:

-- sw

Wow I didn't think of that. Thank you so much millisa!!

stevewi, yes I just renewed the domain name and the site works fine now. Thank you!!


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