Wordpress set up page is being displayed without CSS after hosting

Hello, I am new to linode. I have signed up just yestarday and created a hosting plan of 1GB RAM. I don't know why if i try to visit the IP address linode has provided me it is showing the name of my website and other welcoming stuff of wordpress without CSS. Also, if I try to visit wp-admin it says this site cannot be reached. The domain name is not working either. I am really getting frustrated. Would you please help me?

3 Replies

@orchi19 --

You write:

The domain name is not working either.

This is your problem. The CSS is probably included in your site via a URL. If the domain is not working, the URL is going to yield a 404. The domain name and stuff displayed by WP is from responses you gave in the WP set up.

Did you buy a domain at a registrar? Did you set up DNS for your Linode using the Cloud Manager?

If not, you're trying to take a shortcut on the series of steps you have to follow to get your site to work.

-- sw

Yes I bought domain at a registar and set up DNS for my Linode but still wordpress website is being displayed without CSS…
Can anyone figure out any solution?

Your web server is not serving the CSS file correctly or at all. You need to check your server and Wordpress configurations. Only you can do that.

In particular, make sure all the domain names in all the URLs you give to Wordpress resolve to something. For example, if you tell Wordpress your site URL is http://www.foo.com but you have no A/AAAA record in DNS for www, the behavior you’re observing will occur.

-- sw


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