I am trying to launch an .sh batch script

I have done this in the past with this:

spawn.sh launched by ./spawn.sh
=================================== this is the file ==========


for p in {50001..50019}
echo $p &
node Thunderbolt/serverTbolt $p &
for p in {51001..51009}
node Desperation/server $p &
echo $p
for p in {52001..52009}
node Hearts/server $p &
echo $p

exit 0

I created spawnMenu.sh with this


node Warrgames server2000 $p &
echo $p
node dmc2/server$p &
echo $p

exit 0

./spawnMenu.sh does not execute -- command not found

1 Reply

@swarr22 writes:


node Warrgames server2000 $p &
echo $p
node dmc2/server$p &
echo $p

exit 0
./spawnMenu.sh does not execute -- command not found

Try using

  • /the/complete/absolute/path/to/node
  • /the/complete/absolute/path/to/Warrgames (could it be Wargames?)
  • /the/complete/absolute/path/to/dmc2/server

If none of that works, try putting

set -x

at the top of the script right after



set +x

at the bottom of the script right before

exit 0

The shell will show you the execution of your script on your terminal and tell you which command can't be found.

-- sw


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