postfix install


I've decided to give postfix a go instead of torturing myself further with sendmail but ran into a strange problem i can't resolve with apt…

running ubuntu on linode 100

using putty (ssh)

logged in as root

run command apt-get install postfix…

downloads ok, config script starts, go through on screen questions…

selected internet server

set server name

then nothing… it hangs… last text to appear in terminal says newline entered in postfix.config strsnge things may happen!

I didn't enter (knowingly) a newline in any of the text fields.

anyone got any idea what the issue is here?



4 Replies

> anyone got any idea what the issue is here?

No – I couldn't reproduce. (I did an apt-get install postfix with a chrooted edgy here, but the config installs OK.)

Try it again with:

dpkg-reconfigure postfix



> anyone got any idea what the issue is here?

No – I couldn't reproduce. (I did an apt-get install postfix with a chrooted edgy here, but the config installs OK.)

Try it again with:

dpkg-reconfigure postfix

that gave me the error…

"postfix is broken or not fully installed"

I have tried

apt-cache -flush

apt-get remove postfix (this gives dependancy errors for exim4)

apt-get -f install just reinstalls sendmail

I think I may have some dependant packages for sendmail but they did not uninstall when I removed sendmail for some reason. any suggetions from here?



This might work:

apt-get --reinstall install postfix


gave up and started again from scratch since I hadn't actually got that far with my set-up.

all working this time. must of had a corrupt file somewhere.

thanks for the help anyway.




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