Pfsense to linode

I am trying to get my pfsense machine to do an openvpn connection to linode. I have downloaded the .ovpn file copy/pasted the certs/keys and tried to match other settings, but it fails to make a connection. Is there a setup guide? Or can someone post some incite into what I might be doing wrong?

4 Replies

Is there a setup guide? Or can someone post some incite into what I might be doing wrong?

After looking around, I don't see any pfsense-specific guides in our documentation library. I did come across some configuration guides that you may find helpful on the netgate documentation site, as well as an older forum post that describes some steps other users have taken to deploy pfsense on a Linode. If you still need some help, I'd recommend replying with the exact steps you have taken, or with links to any documentation that you followed, so that our Community users can better assist, if possible.

pfsense need 2 NICs too work?

pfsense is an app-specific FreeBSD distribution. See:

That fact alone is not sufficient to prevent deployment on a Linode but it's not a supported configuration so you won't get support from Linode for your deployment (or backups and snapshots).

-- sw


I recorded a video on how to install pfsense on Linode. I hope it can be useful to someone.


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