What should we do in case of a spamcop abuse report

Hey Awesome community.

We just got a notification that we received a spam cop abuse report.
Can anyone tell me what is in your opinion the best way to tackle this?
I want to be 100% compliant with everything as I'm offering these servers to people so that they can mail.
This is only one Abuse complaint and to be honest the email that the client is sending is not spammy, but the list is a bit older (they are cleaned, but a bit older)
Should I just stop offering the service to this client or should I kinda just warn him?
Thanks, guys.

1 Reply

These are good questions to ask. The answers may be depending on your particular use case, but there are some good practices to keep in mind, including requiring your clients to closely adhere to CAN-SPAM regulations. How you want to go about ensuring that is up to you. Our Acceptable Use Policy may be a helpful resource for you.

It’s also important to note that your clients, or users, are subject to Linode’s Terms of Service as outlined in our Master Services Agreement. With that being said, this is something that you should address with the client in question. The links included above can help drive those conversations and help you, as the administrator for your Linode, ensure that your clients remain ToS compliant.

the email that the client is sending is not spammy, but the list is a bit older (they are cleaned, but a bit older)

If the email being sent was expected, then removal of the recipient from the mailing list is an effective way to resolve the issue. In the event the mail reported as spam was not a part of a known, CAN-SPAM compliant mailing list, then next steps should include investigating a potential system compromise.


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