How can I make the NodeBalancer use different ports with LKE?

so I've got a NodeBalancer with LKE, all good so far… I ran the following and it created it:

helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx

(Linode docs are wrong for this…

So now I have it listening on port 80/443 which is great, but I also need a few more ports. I'm aware I can simply create a NodePort service on a high port and point to it by modifying the configuration in my NodeBalancer

But there must be a more kubernetes friendly way to do this, right?

1 Reply

Okay… a slight update, I figured I could add LB into services like this with annotations: |
"protocol": "tcp"
} "v2"

However it now creates me a whole new NodeBalancer… which isn't what I want as it's costing me :(

Also, if I add them manually a service account comes in and wipes them every few days… so that's a no go as well.


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