I cant connect to ftp in wordpress


I need to know how can i connect my wordpress installation with ftp , i Can do the connection with file zilla, but when i try to add a new plugin in wordpress the system says:

To perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server. Please enter your FTP credentials to proceed. If you do not remember your credentials, you should contact your web host.

I put the same credentials that i use in filezilla and works, but when i use in wordpress the system says:

Failed to connect to FTP Server

What can i do?


2 Replies

I believe the steps outlined in this Community Questions post will help you troubleshoot the issue you are seeing.

I also recommend considering using SFTP for any file transfers as your files will be transferred more securely.

Hope this helps!

@rdaniels writes:

I also recommend considering using SFTP for any file transfers as your files will be transferred more securely.

This should read:

I also recommend considering using SFTP for any file transfers as your files will be transferred securely.

FTP is not secure at all! It's use has been discouraged for at least 15 years…

-- sw


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