Object storage as iOS app backend?

Is it possible to use object storage as an app backend?
I am building an iOS app in Swift and I need to retrieve a json and then some images contained in folders and subfolders.

It the Object Storage a good solution for me?
I can't find any API to retrieve the objects via HTTP GET methods.

I would have this structure:

  • file.json
  • folderA
  • folderB
  • folderC

2 Replies

You can also use iCloud storage (CloudKit) for this. This is not the same as the users iCloud storage - its storage that’s available for you as a developer to store app data and retrieve from your app per user or for every user.

It’s free until a certain number of calls.


Have you tried the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS?

Linode Object Storage is compatible with the S3 APIs so any AWS library or client should work. You’d just need to set the endpoint to the cluster URL where your bucket(s) live. E.g. https://eu-central-1.linodeobjects.com


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