Linode Object Storage : We were unable to load your Objects.

Apparently I've uploaded some files with f-ed up names while mucking around aws-sdk-v3 s3 client. The bucket where these files are placed still works as usual, but ffs I cannot delete the scandalous files :)

These are the names of the files:

?SW�??MLOC=����j�V?"?ړp��@UѱT񲏹)?4?�mG&?�n��,��n�޴�>� �?��d?nRW�6�Zq?��K�[�N�@y���"�5~R�-'?3�;T3?��+mF.�ֳ?���aZ�4�Nj'

  • s3cmd ls s3://bucket gives up in even listing these files. It outputs an XML parsing error. I tried s3cmd fixbucket and s3cmd sync --delete to no avail.
  • Linode Cloud Manager outputs We were unable to load your Objects when viewing the bucket contents.
  • Cyberduck can list the files but cannot delete them. I can click delete but it does not do anything and there is no error.

Does anyone have ideas on how to handle/remove these files?

2 Replies

Special characters tend to be problematic when it comes to Object Storage. I believe I located your account, and I noticed your buckets were clear - are you still having issues with this?

I tried to recreate this by uploaded a file with your exact filename (dL欣���4���…) to my own bucket. Through Cloud Manager I wasn't able to delete the file, which is expected.

While s3cmd wasn't able to find the file to delete it, I was able to at least get it to list:

s3cmd rm s3://juliannasbucket/L欣���4���?�?�ސ���\?��3.z�9��S�,��ſ1�Yp����.png
zsh: no matches found: s3://juliannasbucket/L欣���4���?�?�ސ���?��3.z�9��S�,��ſ1�Yp����.png

s3cmd ls s3://juliannasbucket
2021-03-18 10:21       780963  s3://juliannasbucket/L欣���4���?�?�ސ���\?��3.z�9��S�,��ſ1�Yp����.png

With Cyberduck, though, I didn't have any issue - I was able to delete it without protest. I'm curious if renaming the object in Cyberduck with standard characters would allow you to then delete it?

Hey thanks for checking it out. Yes, everything looks good now. I believe it was auto-deleted when I set the S3 lifecycle of the bucket to "Delete files after 1 day" (via Cyberduck).

I've copied the filenames from Cyberduck from the first time I got it to open the bucket -- so some glyphs might have been lost in translation. I remember I wasn't able to rename/delete them from Cyberduck though.


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