Looking for Experienced freelancer to setup a Linode – Ubuntu/MySql

Need a Linode setup to run 2 or 3 small ASP.Net Core 3.1 Apps, using Mysql as Db
Also set the Linode up to go into GUI automatically. I will set up the Linode, but need someone to configure the rest.

Please contact if you are interested. I would like it done ASAP.
Contact me @GmxMike, with price or questions.

2 Replies

@GmxMike --

You write:

Also set the Linode up to go into GUI automatically.

What do you mean by this? I'm not really interested but this statement struck me as curious… If you mean "boot to the desktop environment", then you are going to be in a world of hurt with respect to network latency (I'm assuming that the distance between you & your Linode is greater than about 100 yards).

In the VPS world, the shell is king!

-- sw

@GmxMike -

We have a Professional Services team that can perform system administrative tasks for you like this. If you'd like to get a quote from them for this job, you can submit the request here:

Linode Professional Services

Scroll down the page linked above to get to the form. Hope that helps!


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