Snapshots on raw disc volumes?

Can I snapshot a raw volume?

I'm seriously thinking (again) about moving my Linode to FreeBSD… I'm really sick of systemd(8). Yeah…I know there's some distros that have not succumbed to this particular virus but they will…they all will…there's no vaccine…and no cure…

I know how to set up FreeBSD on a Linode…and I know that regularly-scheduled backups are not available for such a beast. However, I have a script that snapshots my current Linode weekly using the Linode (v4) API. I'm wondering if I can still use it on a Linode that uses raw disc volumes.

Also, I'd like my Linode to reboot automatically if necessary. Can I do that as well? I didn't get very far on this during last experiment with FreeBSD on a Linode…

Thanks in advance…

-- sw

2 Replies

@stevewi, the Linode Backups service does have some limitations. One of them is that the service must be able to mount your disks as a file system.

It is possible to create a script that you can execute via the Linode CLI. The below Community Questions post explains it a bit more.

Hope this helps!

@rdaniels --

You write:

One of them is that the service must be able to mount your disks as a file system.

That's not going to be possible with a ZFS volume so I guess the answer is no.

It is possible to create a script that you can execute via the Linode CLI. The below Community Questions post explains it a bit more.

Oh…you misunderstood…let me clarify with an example… Suppose the datacenter loses power and my Linode goes down. I want my Linode to reboot automagically when the power comes back on. Can I do that with a Linode that has raw boot volume?

-- sw


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