Your Linode has exceeded the notification threshold

Hi guys

Since the end of Feb we have been seeng the following issue on a regular basis on our Linode. Note this is a password protected test site which is 99.9% dormant and the alerts yet the alerts are generated during a dormant period of use.

Your Linode has exceeded the notification threshold (90) for CPU Usage by averaging 151.5% for the last 2 hours

I can see in the logs that the cause is inbound traffic. It has been happening since the end of February

1 Reply

Hey @physiobob - the thresholds for email notifications can be adjusted as needed from the Cloud Manager. Generally, they're nothing to worry about unless something looks abnormal.

To adjust the thresholds themselves, follow these steps from this guide:

  • Log into the Cloud Manager
  • Click the Linodes tab on the left
  • Select the Linode you want to adjust
  • Click the Settings tab
  • The Notification Thresholds panel will appear

If you're concerned about an influx in inbound traffic, there are some good resources on network monitoring on this other Community post: How can I monitor my network traffic?

Should you want to take some extra steps to secure your server, including configuring firewalls, check out our guide here: How to Secure Your Server


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