Upgrading/Installing to Distro?

I'm just a little confused about what 'root' access means.

Under 'gentoo', you have listed version 2005.0… which is somewhat old.

What I'm wondering is, can I upgrade that, in other words emerge --sync && emerge -u world, making the system current? Or am I limited to a mirror of the packages contained in the 2005.0 version of gentoo?

It is important that I have the latest versions of Ruby on Rails and some other programs..


1 Reply

'root' access means you are the user with uid=0 - you have absolute control over the virtual machine with the exceptions that: * *you have to use one of the Linode kernels

*you cannot load kernel modules (but Linode will respond favourably to reasonable requests to build features in, subject to stability and security conditions being satisfied)</list> 

You can either update the supplied Gentoo distribution or build your own from the tarball of your choice.

Compiling things like glibc puts a big strain on a small Linode - most people either use distcc or build their systems on home machines.


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