How i add admins and owner to rust server

i opened a rust server and i don't know how to add admins and owner. can someone help me.

1 Reply

Hey, I was able to find a few useful resources which I think would be helpful here.

  • For adding an owner to your Rust server, I would recommend taking a gander at these instructions I found which were located on this Fandom site.

  • For a detailed overview of how to add admins onto your Rust server, I also found the following Corrosion Hour guide which walks you through getting started.

For more to-the-point instructions you can always reference this Shockbyte guide.

  • If you are interested in editing and deleting admins, I would also take a look at this Awesomeservers guide that provides you with detailed step-by-step instructions on how to run through those processes.

Hope I was able to help you out here!


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