Linode Servers Delete

For some reason, I am unable to access my servers via ssh.

I tried to login in the linode console, but I was unable to access my account using my old password.

I reset my password, then I am forwarded to the billing page. I don't know why.

When I checked my credit card transactions, it refunded funds to me last feb 13. But my servers are no longer accessible, same goes for my account.

Why was my servers deleted?
Why was my account asks me to enter a billing information again.
Will I still be able to recover my servers?

5 Replies

Hey there @linodedev. If you haven't already, could you email so our Support team can look into this for you? When you send your email, make sure to include the last 6 digits of the payment card attached to your account along with your account username.

If you already emailed our support team, let us know your ticket number and we will look it up for you.

Hi again @linodedev - I was able to track down your account and opened a ticket for you with more information. Feel free to follow up with us there with any questions.

Hello, thanks for the quick response. I have received an email from the support.

I was able to login again after reseting my password and putting my billing information. Base on your email:

On 2/11/2020, your account was cancelled in error. This resulted in you being unable to log into your account. The account cancellation was a mistake on our part, and we can not apologize enough for the inconvenience. To help make up for this error, I have credited your account in the amount of $50.00. This should cover your past invoiced services ($26.52) and give you some extra (+$23.48) that will be applied to your future invoices.

When your account was cancelled, your two Linodes (xxxx and xxxx) were also deleted, but automatic Images of both servers were created and saved when this happened. Both Images can be found from the Images tab in the Cloud Manager and can be deployed to new Linodes whenever you are ready.

However, I cannot find my server images in the images tab.

As a follow-up questions:

  • I wanted to clarify why was account cancelled without any email notice?
  • How can I be assured that this won't happen again?
  • Is my data permanently loss?

Hi @linodedev - I've responded to your existing ticket to address these follow up questions. If you need any further assistance, please reach out in that ticket.

To anyone reading this question:

  • The images of my servers are safe. No data was lost.
  • I just needed to update the IP's of my server.
  • Linode support team responds quickly.

Thank you Linode team!


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