Dist-upgrade to Etch

With the upcoming release of Etch, I'm planning to do the old dist-upgrade on my Sarge Linode. Has anyone done this and are there any gotchas specific to Linode? The main one I'm thinking of is the kernel - do I need to change to a 2.6 kernel and if so is there a recommended one?

Thanks, Tom

7 Replies

I am currently running etch, actually. I had zero problems using 'apt-get dist-upgrade' - because the kernel with Linode is managed by Linode, you don't actually upgrade anything as far as the kernel goes. I would recommend selecting 'latest 2.6 kernel' in your configuration manager, but beyond that, no problems.


Cool news. So should I select that before I do the dist-upgrade or after the upgrade is complete? Not sure if selecting the 2.6 latest will cause problems for Sarge - if not, would definitely like to go that way now.

Cheers, Tom


Cool news. So should I select that before I do the dist-upgrade or after the upgrade is complete? Not sure if selecting the 2.6 latest will cause problems for Sarge - if not, would definitely like to go that way now.

Cheers, Tom

One of the first things I did when I set up my Linode was to switch to 2.6, and it didn't cause any problems for the Sarge image.


I've booted into the 2.6 kernel, but need to ask a stupid question. My iptables config (I use firehol) needs a /boot/config-2.6.18-linode25 file. How do I generate this for my new kernel?

Thanks, Tom



My iptables config (I use firehol) needs a /boot/config-2.6.18-linode25 file. How do I generate this for my new kernel?

For this particular kernel:

zcat /proc/config.gz > /boot/config-2.6.18-linode25

But it is better to make it kernel version proof:

mkdir -p /usr/src/linux
zcat /proc/config.gz > /usr/src/linux/.config



If your firewall depends on the configuration for a certain version of the kernel installed, select the latest 2.6 kernel manually (2.6.19-linode26 right now) because the "Latest 2.6" version could change at any time and brake your firewall on reboot. If you select a kernel that isn't "Latest" then it is guaranteed never to change unless kernels are removed for security reasons (vulnerabilities in them, etc).


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