Secure MySql Server setup

Hi, i want to create a MySql instance and want to secure it as it will be a production server, i would need to be able to access this from my dev pc, what would be the best way to set this up?

1 Reply

The quickest way to deploy a MySQL server would be through our One-Click apps, which allow you to install pre-configured applications in seconds. You can follow these instructions to get started:

Once your new server is up and running, you can take measures to secure your Linode. We have a pretty comprehensive guide on how to do this, which you can find here:

I always recommend that users follow the section about hardening SSH access in particular. In a nutshell, you would disallow root logins and password authentication, and instead use an ssh key-pair to access your server. This dramatically reduces the likelihood of a third party gaining access to your Linode. There's a solid post on Cloudflare's site that explains how public key encryption works:


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