blocks on a gentoo emerge -DavuN world (SOLVED)

[blocks B ] sys-apps/pam-login (is blocking sys-apps/shadow-


[blocks B ] I have already killed my linode trying to reslove these blocks can someone help me resolve these safely?

I tried emerging dhcpd and that killed my linode.

I also tried removing dhcpd and pam-login and that also killed my linode. Im not sure I guess the dhcpd is used to obtain the address from linode but im not sure exactly.

I have started a clean gentoo install and when I emerge -DavuN world I get these blocks but I am not sure how to get around them without making my linode useless.

8 Replies

I found this but havent done it yet

Is this safe to do on a linode

"emerge -C pam-login && emerge -1 shadow"

or is this a better solution also from the same post

"emerge –buildpkgonly --nodeps shadow && emerge -C pam-login && emerge --usepkgonly shadow"

found in the following post … ml#3178419">

Im not sure what the difference would be can someone explain?

this still wouldnt resolve the dhcpdcp block though

So I decided to give it a shot after reading up a bit!!!

emerge -C pam-login && emerge -1 shadow

it worked like a charm just remember to etc-update

Also restart sshd

/etc/init.d/sshd restart

now on to the dhcpcd problem

so I felt gutsy and tried the same with the other block and well of course it didn't work below is my output.

  • The Gentoo Linux system initialization scripts have detected that

  • your system does not support UDEV. Since Gentoo Linux has been

  • designed with dynamic /dev in mind, it is highly suggested that you

  • emerge sys-fs/udev and configure your system to use it.

  • Please read the Gentoo Handbook for more information!


  • Thanks for using Gentoo! :)

(hit Enter to continue or wait 15 seconds …)

  • Skipping root filesystem check (fstab's passno == 0) … [ ok ]

  • Remounting root filesystem read/write … [ ok ]

  • Checking all filesystems … [ ok ]

  • Mounting local filesystems … [ ok ]

  • Mounting misc binary format filesystem … [ ok ]

  • Activating (possible) swap …swapon: cannot stat /dev/ubd/1: No such file or


[ !! ]

  • Setting system clock using the hardware clock [UML] … [ ok ]

  • Configuring kernel parameters … [ ok ]

  • Updating environment … [ ok ]

  • Cleaning /var/lock, /var/run … [ ok ]

  • Cleaning /tmp directory … [ ok ]

  • You should stop using /etc/hostname and use /etc/conf.d/hostname

  • Setting hostname to … [ ok ]

  • Loading key mappings … [ ok ]

  • Setting user font … [ ok ]

  • Starting lo

  • Bringing up lo


[ ok ]

  • Adding routes

  • … [ ok ]

  • Initializing random number generator … [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

  • sysklogd -> start: syslogd … [ ok ]

  • sysklogd -> start: klogd … [ ok ]

  • Starting eth0

  • You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for eth0

  • You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly

  • Bringing up eth0

  • dhcp

  • No DHCP client installed

[ !! ]

  • ERROR: cannot start netmount as net.eth0 could not start

  • ERROR: cannot start sshd as net.eth0 could not start

  • Starting local … [ ok ]

INIT: no more processes left in this runlevel


 * Starting eth0
* You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for eth0
* You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly
* Bringing up eth0
* dhcp
* No DHCP client installed
[ !! ]
* ERROR: cannot start netmount as net.eth0 could not start
* ERROR: cannot start sshd as net.eth0 could not start 

Your emerge got rid of dhcpd (and the dhcp client), so broke your Gentoo/Linode.

A workaround – until you manage to get dhcpd installed again -- is to add your Linode's IP/gateway addresses to the net.eth0 config file.

Your Linode IP/Gateway addresses are given at:

For info on how to configure net devices under Gentoo, see: … t=4&chap=1">

You'll need the following in the file /etc/init.d/net.eth0:

config_eth0=( "<your linode="" ip="" address="">/32" )
routes_eth0=( "default via <gateway address="">" )</gateway></your> 

Then reboot your Linode.




Thanks for the reply. I am currently setting up my linode again but havent gotten to this step just yet. Is it wise to do that emerge the way I did? Should I just reemerge dhcpcd when the emerge -C dhcpcd && emerge -1 shadow is done and do my etc-update?


If your Linode has no configured network device (implied by the eth0 snippet you posted), you'll need to do the net.eth0 part first. And then run /etc/init.d/net.eth0 start (I guess).

[blocks B ] 

When you have network access again, emerge -uv dhcpcd. The latest package seems to be compatible with baselayout so you shouldn't have any trouble installing it ( ).

[blocks B ] sys-apps/pam-login (is blocking sys-apps/shadow- 

It looks as if pam-login has been deprecated – it is no longer in portage:

emerge -C pam-login && emerge -1 shadow 

I guess 'shadow' will replace the functionality of pam-login and therefore, as others have suggested it is safe to do the above.

Good luck,


(Debian User :)

Awesome that clears things up. Really appreciate your help. I will let you know how it goes!!! Thanks again!

Ok so heres what I did…

emerge -c dhcpcd && emerge -1 shadow


emerge -dhcpcd


rm /etc/init.d/net.etho

cd /etc/init.d

ln -s net.lo net.eth0

This is what killed me that was not correct because I was using the old configuration style

edit /etc/conf.d/net

uncomment the following line

config_eth0=( "dhcp" )

/etc/init.d/net.eth0 restart

rc-update add net.eth0 default

and bam it worked!!!!

Thanks for all your help. Really appreciate it!!!


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