Resize block storage volume with less/no downtime?

After resizing a block storage volume, the guide recommends to reboot, unmount, fsck, resize the fs and re-mount. Is it possible/safe to resize without reboot, fsck and perhaps even unmount?

4 Replies

I believe you must unmount before the resize can happen…otherwise the volume will be "busy."

-- sw

I'm used to live resizing of xfs, but it seems like ext4 also supports it:

Guess there are reasons why Linode doesn't recommend it, but would be nice to know why.

You write:

Guess there are reasons why Linode doesn't recommend it, but would be nice to know why.

My guess is that the block-storage volume is virtual…that there is some virtual structure that represents (and resembles) a physical storage volume to you.

-- sw


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