How much time take after the IP swap?


I just tried to swap the IP address for up-gradation purposes. I want to know how much time takes for everything reachable? In my case, this swap has been taken 30 min even I tried that arp command to notify the router, I have followed this link. please help me to reduce that time for reachable and everything work perfectly within a short time.

4 Replies

Generally DNS changes can take up to 48 hours to propagate around the world. How soon you see changes you make to your DNS setup depends on where you are in the world, where your Linode is in the world and how often your local ISP processes DNS server updates.

Neither you nor Linode has any control over this.


-- sw

I'm not changing a DNS and my domain works perfectly with Linode but I want to change my other linode in the same center so I'm just swapping IP from my Linode server(Network Configuration). If I swap IP from my Linode server then not needed to change my DNS from the domain manager. That's the concern of mine. @stevewi

I would ask Linode support directly via a support ticket.

I'm not a Linode support person…and I don't play one on tee-vee…

-- sw

Hi there.

If you swap the IP addresses, you don't need to reconfigure the DNS records, so it should work quickly for you.

This post here in the Linode Community gives details on IP swapping:

How do I move an IP Address around between different Linodes?

Hope that helps!


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