What would be the cost to get a better Latency in South Pacific

Hi Linode Tech Staff,

As of today,the best latency returned by your ping page from the closest Linux datacenter (West US) is 200ms. though, the "only" datacenter we HAVE TO use to remain RGDP compliant is located in central Europe - a 12 hours Time zone diference - with our local users location and a 340ms latency.

My 3 Questions are :

Is there any closer Linux Node in the South Pacific RGDP compliant ?
*New Caledonia ?

in order to benefit from the best latency possible from a "Local Linode"<>"Local user" config, what would be involved as for hardware and services to have a Linode node/server running in a local datacenter while still managed by Linode ?
…is that config even possible and what would the Linode cost be like ?

Finaly, would a Satelite service such as Starlink network improove drasticaly the latency time between EU and South Pacific whenever available ?
Thanks Terii

1 Reply

Hi Terii,

For specifics on our compliance with GDPR, I want to link you to our Privacy Policy. In it you'll find all of that information, and links to specific resources:

Privacy Policy

Our costs remain the same regardless of which data center you choose. You'll have to choose whichever data center works best for you. We have them all around the world, and the link below will take you to a page where you can test the speeds to all of them individually:

Linode - Speed Test

Finaly, would a Satelite service such as Starlink network improove drasticaly the latency time between EU and South Pacific whenever available ?

Since a lot of factors figure into speed and latency, this is something you'd have to try. You shouldn't need an additional service to get excellent speeds from your Linode service.

I hope this gives you a good place to start. Let us know if you have any further questions, please let us know!


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