Gmail Workspace (G Suite) problems

Hi all,

I have a gmail workspace account for my domain ( I have set up MX records correctly days ago, but for some reason some of the emails are not coming through. :(

My friend told me he got a "host not reachable" error when trying to email me.

Does anyone know what could be the issue?
If I test my domain name here a few times, I get critical errors:

Here is a screenshot from my domain panel:


3 Replies

Hi @trkulja! It looks like the MX records were set up for your domain just recently. It takes a little bit of time for servers worldwide to check in for the updated records so they know where to send mail. I'd recommend waiting a few more hours for the records to get picked up by other servers, then test it out again.

Hey @hesperidean3 — thanks for your reply! I think that's highly unlikely though since I've set up the MX records 6 days ago.

I think it's solved now. Apparently it was due to reverse DNS not being set up.


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