GD Graphics Install?

I'm getting this error while trying to upgrde GD Graphics Lib.

make[2]: Entering directory `/root/gd-2.0.33'
/bin/sh ./libtool --mode=link gcc  -g -O2   -o gdparttopng  gdparttopng.o ./ -lm
gcc -g -O2 -o .libs/gdparttopng gdparttopng.o  ./.libs/ -lm -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib
gdparttopng.o(.text+0xac): In function `main':
/root/gd-2.0.33/gdparttopng.c:42: undefined reference to `gdImageCreateFromGd2Part'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [gdparttopng] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/gd-2.0.33'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/gd-2.0.33'

Any ideas? (I'm relatively new to Linux)

4 Replies

Which distro? There's probably a package for that…


Redhat 9.0

This is my PHP Info

PHP Version 4.2.2

Current GD Graphics

GD Support enabled 
GD Version 1.6.2 or higher 
FreeType Support enabled 
FreeType Linkage with freetype 
JPG Support enabled 
PNG Support enabled 
WBMP Support enabled 

I want to upgrade because I'm getting this error on my website:

Warning: imagefilledellipse(): requires GD 2.0 or later

Thanks for the quick response.

If this is a new install, I highly recommend NOT using Red Hat 9.0 – as it's been long unsupported (we really should remove the old distros from the Distro Wizard). I would suggest Debian or Ubuntu.


Thanks, I took your advice and installed Debian and everything's going smoothly so far, appreciate the help!


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