Is this correct regarding my hostname?

I used the marketplace wordpress script last year to setup my Linode.

Everything seems to be fine but I have been learning about some things recently and noticed that if I type my Linode hostname into the web address bar, it redirects to my domain. Now, this is the same as doing so with the IP address which I understand is fine. But, should that happen with the hostname or is it something that I should remove? If so, then how?


2 Replies

This is standard behavior that doesn't pose any harm to your site or server, with an exception being if your intent is to hide the source IP address of your site (for example, behind CloudFlare).

Theoretically someone could enumerate addresses running web servers, and use that information to determine the real IP address of a site if the Apache vhosts / NGINX server block was set to automatically redirect to the domain. This would be similarly possible using the IP address redirect by curling through our IP ranges as well.

It isn't possible to remove our A record that points to your Linode's IP address. However you can prevent your web server from serving content on that domain (or any domain pointing to your Linode's IP except the one you've configured) by putting your real domain in a VirtualHost block, and having the default block serve either the default test page or even redirect somewhere else.

You can find more information about Apache virtual host blocks and some examples in the Apache documentation here:


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