
cree una drople en la cual no me funciona en mi proyecto me podrian ayudar en resolverlo

1 Reply

Hey @chinfa. Sorry to hear you're having problems with your server! Just so you know, I used Google Translate to translate your message:

I created a drople in which it does not work for me in my project could you help me solve it

It sounds like you're referring to a Linode server that's giving you some issues. For reference, if you're coming from Digital Ocean, their servers are called "Droplets" and ours are called "Linodes".

So that our team can help figure out the best direction to point you in, I would recommend opening up a Support Ticket while logged into the Cloud Manager. You can open a ticket by following these steps:

  • Log into the Cloud Manager
  • Click the Help & Support tab on the left
  • Select Customer Support
  • Click Open New Ticket in the top right

In the ticket, just make sure to include details of the issue you're running into so we can look into things on our end. If you're having issues with something regarding configuration or third party applications, feel free to share more details here as well. :)

Just in case, here are some of our troubleshooting guides that might help in the meantime: Linode Troubleshooting


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