Which distribution? How to decide?

Hello linoders …

I just acquired a Linode 100.

First thing I have to do is install a distribution.

With 16 to choose from, how does anyone make a rational decision?

5 Replies

Typically, if you've used Linux before, you might go with a distribution you're used to. If this is your first time, either Debian or Ubuntu are usually good starting points.

Thanks Neon …

I'm used to freebsd. No linux experience yet. I've installed Debian. Got SFTP working. I suppose I'm on my way now.

Debian is my favorite! Good luck.

If you're used to BSD, slackware is probably more BSD-like than most of the others. It's also a good learning-linux, since it's one of the most unadulterated.

Depends on how much you know and what you plan on doing. Different tools for different jobs.


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