Use rclone to move large storage between cloud providers

Hey guys, I need to use rclone to move about 1tb of data between two cloud service providers, since doing it on my own computer would take weeks, I was thinking on using cloud computing to cut the time drastically, as well as stress on my hardware.

So, I have a few questions regarding this idea.

1) Can I use linode for it? in theory I feel like yes, I create a virtual machine, install ubuntu or debian then sudo apt install rclone, configure it and then it's just a single command line.

2) Is this allowed by the ToS?
(I ask cuz it's quite an unconventional use of the service, the files I'm moving are a bunch of art/video files from my work as an artist/designer)

3) Would the use of bandwith end up costing like a hundred+ dollars on hidden fees?

1 Reply


I'll answer your questions one by one to make sure I cover everything:

Can I use linode for it? in theory I feel like yes, I create a virtual machine, install ubuntu or debian then sudo apt install rclone, configure it and then it's just a single command line.

You can use rclone with Linode. We don't limit what you can use your Linode for, as long as it complies with our Terms of Service - which brings us to your next question:

Is this allowed by the ToS?
(I ask cuz it's quite an unconventional use of the service, the files I'm moving are a bunch of art/video files from my work as an artist/designer)

As long as the art and video files are your material, and there's no risk of copyright or trademark infringement, this should be fine. If you have any concerns, check out or ToS, which I'm linking below:

Linode Terms of Service / Acceptable Use Policy

Would the use of bandwith end up costing like a hundred+ dollars on hidden fees?

It sounds like you may be referring to Network Transfer rather than bandwidth. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) There are no hidden fees at all. Each Linode plan comes with a specific amount of network transfer, and you will be billed $0.01 for each GB with which you exceed the quota for a given month. This is explained in detail in the following doc:

Network Transfer Quota

Here you can see the pricing for our different plans, and the amount of transfer that is included with each one:

Linode Pricing & Plans

Also, here's a great doc on rclone which might be helpful:


If you have other questions, or need any of this clarified, let us know!


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