Default Iptable rule causing issue (reject-with icmp-host-prohibited)

Below rule in iptables is causing the slptool to fail in detecting the services of other
REJECT all -- anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
I deleted it by using below command
iptables -D INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
and slp started to discover from other node with firewall enabled.
however when i reload the firewalld or reboot it again went back to original rule
how can i delete this rule permanently so that even after reoading firewalld daemon it
does not go back to default.
or is there anyother way

1 Reply

You need to figure out which part of the firewalld configuration is causing the rule to placed there and tell it not to do that. According to

the firewalld configuration is kept in /etc/firewalld.conf with a library of available services kept in /usr/lib/firewalld/services. You'll have to figure out which one of the enabled services in /etc/firewalld.conf is causing this and de-activate it. My guess is that the suspect configuration would have the characters slp in the filename…so that should narrow your search a bit.

I don't use an RH-variant distro so that's about all I can tell you.

There's also this:

which should contain much more extensive information on the XML files that comprise firewalld configuration.

-- sw

P.S. You don't need firewalld at all. You can manipulate iptables(8) yourself directly and eliminate this kind of pain:


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