apache2 VirtualDocumentRoot and php


I have a linode runnning Debian and apache 1.5 that works.

I am now building a linode running Debian and apache2,

and it doesn't work (for apache2 VirtualDocumentRoot and php).

I can go to my domain, but php scripts won't run.

I copied a script that is known to work in the old environment,

and I get the following errors in the apache2 error.log:

Premature end of script headers: test.php

Error in suphp.c on line 244: Script is not in document root

Thanks to google, I understand the problem,

but have not found a solution that really works yet.

The VirtualDocumentRoot directive is confusing apache

about where to find libraries…but various things I tried,

including terrible kludges, did not help.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.



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