FileZilla Access denied

I was following the guide and when connecting it just says access denied

Status: Disconnected from server
Status: Connecting to…
Status: Using username "Demz26".
Status: Access denied
Error: Authentication failed.
Error: Critical error: Could not connect to serve

5 Replies

Hey @Demz26. The error you're seeing isn't super uncommon. Connecting to a remote server via FileZilla is like connecting to a remote server any other way, so you'll need to make sure you're providing the correct credentials and that the server is set up to receive those connections.

We have another good Community post that goes over troubleshooting this error here:

I can't connect to my host using FileZilla/FTP; Authentication failed, Could not connect to server

To give you a quick overview, you'll want to check the following:

  • Login credentials
  • How you're logging in (password vs. public key authentication)
  • The port you're connecting with (SSH and SFTP use port 22, but FTP uses port 21)
  • Make sure your server is listening for login requests

Hope this helps!

Hi so I am using password and I'm sure I use the right password and name/username and I'm trying to use port 21. I don't know what you mean by Make sure your server is listening for login requests.

@Demz26 --

If you are trying to use port 21, then you need an ftp server to be configured and running on your Linode to handle ftp requests. Since the ftp protocol sends commands/data in the clear, it's not secure. Because of this, use of ftp is mostly discouraged these days.

Unless you installed & configured it yourself, there is probably no ftp server running on your Linode. You need to set one up. If you don't want to do that, use port 22. It's secure and most likely already set up.

-- sw

Hi, @stevewi thanks for youre reply.

So I just need to have a place to edit my file because I need to run a modded Minecraft server and when I try to use port 22 it says
Status: Connecting to…
Status: Using username "Demz26".
Status: Access denied
Error: Authentication failed.
Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server
How to fix?

@Demz26 --

Is the sshd(8) server running? If not, you need to do:

sudo systemctl start ssh

You probably want to do this too:

sudo systemctl enable ssh

so that sshd(8) is started automatically when the system boots. Since you don't have ssh(1) access, you'll need to do this at the (lish or glish) console.

If the server is running, it's probably mis-configured and/or you haven't set up your key-pair correctly. See:

This also might be helpful:

This question has been answered many times in the past. Do a search on "FileZilla" to find them.

-- sw


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