How can I add public IPv4?

Adding public IPv4 failed. Customer service gave these two Linodes the ability to assign two public IP addresses, but I still can't assign them

5 Replies

Linode Staff

Hi @mazentop! Do you already have two IP addresses on the Linode? It may be that your Linode already has the max amount of IP addresses assigned to it at the moment. Open a ticket and myself or another member of the support team will be happy to take a look.

Hello, I made high-usable keepAlived and floating IP, and I found that adding public IPv4 was not what I wanted. Could you please help me think about the solution

Linode Staff

The solution you need depends on the setup you're looking for, and there's a few different kinds of high availability setups. We have a few guides with more info on high availability here:

Introduction to High Availability

High Availability – What You Need to Know

Host a Website with High Availability

I can understand what you're saying, but now my question is how do I do that by keepAlived, floating IP, on the server? What do I need to do, or what do you need to do

Configure IP failover, I did not find it, please provide the latest operation document, I cannot find the network assistant, thank you


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