Unable to access wp admin panel using website address

Hi everyone -- I'm new to linode and I hope I can digest some learnings from here so I can stay with linode.

I just setup WordPress one click however in having issues:

  1. I cannot l can't access mysite/wp-admin or mysite/wp-login.php. i can access using ipv4 address/wp-login.php but it won't let me login using my credentials.

  2. I can't access SSH using putty. It says access denied.

Please i need your help everyone.

5 Replies

Hi @rvcadz! I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble accessing your wp-admin with your login credentials. Without additional information, it's difficult to say what the exact issue might be. What is the error message you receive when you're denied access?

  • You'll want to make sure that you use the credentials you specified when you deployed the Linode. This will be the credentials you entered in the Admin Username and Admin Password field.

The links on the Wordpress One-Click App Marketplace page may also provide you with some troubleshooting avenues.

If you disabled password authentication, you will need create a key pair using PuTTY Key Generator utility. The below Community Questions post will go over how to access your Linode using PuTTY

I hope this helps!


I'm currently also unable to access my WordPress website. I can get as far as this message: "Check your email for the confirmation link, then visit the login page."

I do not get the email. What should I do?


While I can't trouble-shoot your problem without knowing the URL, passwords, etc, this much I can say.

Our company creates (mostly) WP sites for our living (newmediacreate dot com).

We never, never, never, ever, ever, ever use a 1-click install on a client's host (or ours!) because these scripts are often buggy, out-of-date, or both.

My suggestion is to spin up a new Linode, follow their guide on how to lock it down and then install a LAMP stack (via the individual components… not some script) and a virtual host for your domain and then learn how to install WP yourself from the WP documentation or a 'modern' video.

Not only will you learn a lot, but it will work!!

"Check your email for the confirmation link, then visit the login page."
I do not get the email. What should I do?



-- sw

login via ssh and look at the .credentials of your home directory


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