cluster corosync pacemaker


We need to create a cluster active/passive using corosync and pacemaker

We created 2 vps with 2 interface each .
1 for private ip and the second for the public ip

for the private network things looks good , since i can ping one server from the second .
I am worried about the public interfaces .
when setup is finished , we should have one virtual address , for the two servers ,
for now the two public ips are not in the same networks .
So my question is how can i make the public interfaces in the same network , listening to the same traffic , to set one virtual ip


1 Reply

Hey Wael!

I'm not an expert on Corosync and Pacemaker, but I was able to locate some information that may point you in the right direction. From the explanation you've given, it sounds like you are setting up a high availably cluster and you want to set up a floating IP address. At Linode, this is called IP sharing, and you can configure this within Cloud Manager using these instructions.

Note: IP Sharing yet supported in the Toronto, Sydney, or Mumbai data centers.

Once this is setup, you'll need to configure Pacemaker to utilize the shared IP for high availability purposes. Below, I've linked some information from Clusterlab that will help you with your configuration.


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