
whenI try to connect from winscp to server it shows access denied
my password and user name and ip all correct.
it was ok before but i changed my computer and i can not connect
(access denied) and i can not change my password for winscp
thank you

1 Reply

Linode Staff

Hey @SIMONSHAKOORI8888. Based on the error documentation from WinSCP and the fact that your username/password is correct, this sounds like it could be an issue with key pair authentication.

If your old computer was using public key authentication to connect, your Linode would be looking for the private key from your old computer to authenticate a login attempt. Since you got a new computer, you may need to generate a new key pair and replace the old public key on your Linode with the new one (this is located in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on your Linode).

If you're not familiar with generating key pairs, our Securing Your Server guide has the steps laid out.

It also can't hurt to double check your username/password combo for your Linode by logging in via the Lish console in the Cloud Manager. You can always reset your root user password from the Cloud Manager, as well.

While logged in via Lish, you should be able to access the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file with the text editor of your choice (nano is always my go to) and update it with your new public key.


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