How do I connect a Wix subdomain to a Linode server?

I have a domain & subdomain with Wix: domain.tld and subdomain.domain.tld.

I want requests for subdomain.domain.tld to be handled by our Linode server.

Does anyone know how I would set that up?

Wix has this guide:

Linode has this guide:

But I'm not sure they're talking about the same thing.

1 Reply

I took a look at both the links you posted… I'm positive they're not talking about the same thing…and I don't think either are talking about what I think you want…

I'm sure that any DNS queries need to be handled by Wix first and then forwarded/redirected someplace else.

Wix is a self-contained, all-inclusive, closed system. Even though the Wix ToS goes to great length to stress that you own your content, Wix makes it extremely difficult for you save your content off-site without violating other provisions of the Wix ToS (subjecting you suit).

If you create your site on Wix, make sure you have an offsite backup of what you put there that you can use to recreate your site elsewhere.

Given all that, I would NEVER register a domain with Wix.

-- sw


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