Roundcube Webmail - Recommendation

Anybody else tried Roundcube webmail?

Having used Horde/Imp in the past I thought I'd give it a go having tried the demo on their website. I have to say I'm very impressed, it knocks the socks off IMP. Saying that it is still in a beta state and has a couple of noticeable bugs - I've noticed that the message list pane doesn't seem to refresh properly at times. Other than that it's brilliant.

The best bit was installation, download the .tar.gz, set up a database, change 3 parameters in 2 files and job done. Took literally 15 minutes to get it working.

I can't wait for a stable version.

15 Replies

It's great and installation was quite easy, however the database requirement knocks it down a notch or two against, say, squirrelmail which has basically no additional dependencies. It's also less featureful than squirrelmail, altough it's understandable for such a new software. I agree roundcube holds great promise and I have a roundcube installation for bold users to try, but for everyday use I still keep squirrelmail around. It leads to less "where's this feature?" questions.

I quite love RoundCube. I use it as my primary webmail client, and I think it works well. Only things it's missing IMO are a search function and some filtering for putting things in the right folders…although that could really be done on the IMAP server end if I wasn't so lazy.

All in all, I like it far better than Squirrel Mail, mostly because I've had less problems with it, less hassle setting it up, and to top it off, it's prettier. (..hey, I'm a Mac user. pretty is important ^.^)


Only things it's missing IMO are a search function and some filtering for putting things in the right folders…although that could really be done on the IMAP server end if I wasn't so lazy.

SquirrelMail is a small amount of work to setup, but it's not really all that bad, especially with the cool little CLI setup script with menus and builtin help. I'm guessing you do know that SquirrelMail has support for both the features you mentioned. On top of that, another deal breaker for me is threaded view support, which SquirrelMail has, but I'm not seeing support for it in RoundCude.

Has anyone using roundcube figured out how to get the mail list to display a new email when it arrives (roundcube periodically checks, and increments a count of new messages beside the foldername)?

Currently I have to select another folder, then select the inbox, to be able to see a new email in the email list.

I've figured it out - had to turn off caching in the roundcube configuration.

I have always had some sort of web-based e-mail. Under a self-signed SSL too. I used to have a whole Horde suite installed, but with the advent of Google Calendar I found it less useful. I found IMP getting tired as compared to the Ajaxy Roundcube. I tried a few others webmails and liked Roundcube the best. It is still buggy I think, but I recently removed IMP all together and I just use Roundcube anyways. I use Thunderbird as my main mail client so Webmail is only used on occasion and from a trusted computer. So I would recommend Roundcube too.

A little off topic but I use Webmail Only thru SSL. In fact every user/pass connection to my server is thru some sort of encryption. It is tricky to setup but I never want to send my password in the clear. In Fact I once check my e-mail with roundcube fro ma Singapore Airport Internet Terminal and as soon as I got home a few hours later I changed my password. Since that was not a trusted computer they could have been keylogging everything.

I just switched to Roundcube after years of hating Squirrel's clunky interface. Since my main client is mutt, I don't mind missing a few features for a slick, prettier webmail on the road.

As of the most recent release, the beta is stable enough for me now. And it seems to play nicely with Dovecot & Postfix, which is all I ask from the backend.

How did you guys install it, I keep having this error where it says I am missing a file on one of many domains on a server, another problem I'm getting into is when I go to the ip/roundcube, I don't know what my login and password or server is.

We recently moved to Roundcube from Squirrelmail. We just got fed up with Squirrelmail's decrepit 90's interface. Our users found it unusable, and demanded something more modern.

How did you install it? I'm having troubles to even getting it started.

I have a few domains on a node; I can't seem to have those domains access roundcube-when I do it says I'm missing the files. However when I go to the node's ip/roundcube, it displays a login screen, but I dont know the user nor the password.

are there step by step tutorials for this, i'm at a lost.


How did you install it? I'm having troubles to even getting it started.

I have a few domains on a node; I can't seem to have those domains access roundcube-when I do it says I'm missing the files. However when I go to the node's ip/roundcube, it displays a login screen, but I dont know the user nor the password.

are there step by step tutorials for this, i'm at a lost. How about this one?

I didn't try that because I did a apt-get install roundcube roundcube-mysql

i followed this, ~~[" target="_blank">]( … n-squeeze/">](

so afterwards, i went to a domain i'm currently hosting domain/roundcibe, i get the not present error; but when i go the server's ip/roundcube i'm presented with the login-but i don't know the credentials.

when I did the apt-get install, I logged in shell as root.

is there something i am doing wrong?


I didn't try that because I did a apt-get install roundcube roundcube-mysql

i followed this, [" target="_blank">]( … n-squeeze/">]( Keep in mind this, though: > Installation is easy in Debian but the application is pretty outdated in the squeeze apt repository so you may want to install the latest version manually instead. You can download the source from ~~Sourceforge.


so afterwards, i went to a domain i'm currently hosting domain/roundcibe, i get the not present error; but when i go the server's ip/roundcube i'm presented with the login-but i don't know the credentials.
Does /var/lib/roundcube/config/ exist? If not, do this: cp
And edit the file to your likings.

As for credentials, this is your mail user's username and password. If the configuration option $rcmailconfig['defaulthost'] is left blank, the login form will also include a field for specifying the server. Otherwise, it will use the server specified in that option.

perhaps that's why its not working since its an outdated.

i still cannot log in. i don't see where i can create users. and when i try logging in with my sftp user/pass, it said connection to IMAP server failed.

if I were to start the installation over using > Installation is easy in Debian but the application is pretty outdated in the squeeze apt repository so you may want to install the latest version manually instead. You can download the source from Sourceforge.
which directory do i download it and extract it?

btw, thanks so much.

It will use the username/password that you'd use to retrieve mail from the IMAP server. If you don't have IMAP working, you'll need to get that working before webmail will work.


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