How do I use Let's Encrypt on a Linode running cPanel?
I'm running cPanel on my Linode and when I attempt to use certbot with the comm and sudo /usr/local/bin/certbot-auto --apache
I get this error:
Ssaving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/lestencrypt.log
The apache plugin is not working; there may be a problem with your existing confiiguration.
The error was "NoInstallationError('Could not find configuration root',)
What should I do?
1 Reply
So the best bet to get this running on your system would actually be to use cPanel's Let's Encrypt plugin. It's fairly simple to run. Log into your Linode as the root user via SSH and run the following command:
From there, log into WHM and navigate to the Manage AutoSSL interface (WHM -> Home -> SSL/TLS -> Manage AutoSSL) and slect the Let's Encrypt option in the Providers tab. Click "Agree" then click "Save". This should handle SSL for you.