linode-cli obj put cannot find bucket


I set up linode-cli with my key

linode-cli obj ls

This command correctly lists all my buckets

However when I run

linode-cli obj put --acl-public image.png bucket-name

It says it cannot find the bucket.

Has anyone seen this issue?

2 Replies

The most common cause for this issue is invalid or incorrect access keys. You'll want to ensure that your key pair you're using for the Linode CLI is current (not expired) and correct. We have information regarding CLI key pairs available in this guide. If you need to reconfigure your Linode CLI, you can use the command linode-cli configure. I saw this issue earlier today as well, and we've reached out to our Object Storage team to update the error message to "Access Denied" instead of "bucket can't be found". This will give a more accurate cause so that the troubleshooting process goes more smoothly if you encounter this error again.

If that is the case then the linode-cli is incorrectly creating object storage keys.

I followed the guide here for linode-cli

I configured my linode-cli with my all-access token. It automatically created an object storage key and stored its information in the linode-cli config. I did not modify the key or config. The uploads do not work.

I just created a new object storage key and added it to the linode-cli config. The uploads now work.


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