How do I modify the CNAME or TXT record of my Linode host?
Looking to equip my linode web server with an SSL certificate. Am going through DigiCert and their support team was unable to help me find a way to modify my Linode domain host's CNAME or TXT records in order to finish the process. Can anyone help?
5 Replies
Thanks, I did see this but it's not the solution. I don't wish to create a new domain in order to modify its DNS. I want to issued hostname's CNAME or TXT record.
I think only Linode has access to those. I'm pretty sure they are designed for just temporary usage while you're setting up your own domain.
I'm curious as to why you don't want to register your own domain? It's fast, easy, cheap…
If this is some weird requirement of DigiCert, I'd drop them like a hot rock and find someone else. I've used Let's Encrypt for years…fast, easy, cheap (free), accepted everywhere…
-- sw
Ill look into Let's Encrypt, thank you!
It is a DigiCert requirement. Part of the process of verifying I have ownership/control over the domain requesting the cert.