Is it possible to update the Kubernetes version within a LKE cluster

LKE was recently updated to support kubernetes 1.18 and i could not find a way to update my existing cluster to that version.

Is it possible to migrate a cluster to new kubernetes versions?
Or, if not - will it be possible to migrate to new kubernetes versions in the future?


10 Replies

As of right now, you would need to deploy a new Kubernetes cluster with the latest version and migrate over to it, so in that regard it can be done.

That said, our LKE developers are looking into an option of a "one-click upgrade" for LKE. While we don't have a release date for you, I'd suggest keeping on eye on the following for updates to LKE:

LKE Changelog

I've also added your interest to our tracker for this feature.

@rgerke -- Can you add me to the tracker for this feature? I'm also stuck on 1.17 and would like 1.18.

I'm technical and am willing to beta for y'all again.


@rgerke can you add me to the tracker as well?

v1.17 to v1.18 (and similar future updates) isn't a big enough upgrade to warrant manually moving everything from one cluster to another, but I'd 100% do it if it were a single click option (similar to AWS).

@rgerke please add me as well - thank you!

@rgerke I'm interested too, could I get added to that tracker as well?

That's a pity. Even Scaleway offers upgrades AFAIK.

1.17.x will be sunset on Dec 8th! Just a few weeks away.

@rgerke -- The LKE Changelog hasn't updated since you posted above. Is that page still actively maintained?

We are also desperately waiting for this feature as we are starting to use LKE for production workloads.

Hello, Currently I have Kubernetes 1.26 that was just upgraded from 1.25. Now I want to upgrade it from 1.26 to 1.27 and then from 1.27 to 1.28.

But I don't see any upgrade button there.

Linode Staff

Although Kubernetes latest release is version is 1.28.0 as of yesterday, the Kubernetes version baked into LKE purposely lags. At the time of my update, the highest version available for your cluster is 1.26 so that we can guarantee the stability of LKE as a managed service.

The upgrade button will only be visible in Cloud Manager unless your cluster has an available upgrade. Although it's already linked above, you should keep an eye on our LKE Release Notes so you can monitor once 1.27 and 1.28 are available to upgrade your cluster.


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