How can I set public access automatically for all files I upload through Cyberduck?

Linode Staff

How can I set public access automatically for all files I upload through Cyberduck?

I've been able to configure Cyberduck to grant EVERYONE with "Read" permissions, but I want to know how I can set this automatically for new files that are uploaded?

1 Reply

  • Right click on your bucket name in Cyberduck
  • Click 'Info'
  • Confirm that 'Everyone' has 'Read' permissions
  • If not, click the Gear icon on the bottom left, then click 'Everyone'
  • Change the permissions to 'READ'

Then go to:

  • Preferences > Transfers > Permissions
  • In the 'Uploads' section click 'change permissions'
  • Select 'to these permissions' then select 'for files' from the dropdown.
  • Make sure that 'Owner' and 'Others' are checked as 'Read'
  • Now when you upload a new file to that bucket it will automatically have READ permissions for everyone.


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