Will object storage be made available in Sydney datacenter

We have an application that requires data to be in-country only and delighted to be able to host it in the new AU datacenters. However, in order to support a high availability/load-balancer architecture, we need to use shared objects, i.e. object storage.

Will object storage be available in the AU datacenters and if so when?


5 Replies

@deeprave Sydney and other data centers are on our roadmap, but we don't have an ETA to share at this time. We'll make sure to update our blog when we have more information on this. I'll also make sure to include your request in our internal tracker.

I also want to express a desire for Object Storage in Sydney. It's a big gap in your offerings.

+1 to this, it's the main thing stopping me from moving the rest of my sites to Linode.

This isn’t just for Sydney either. London for example would also be key now the UK is out the EU. I’ve seen some businesses stipulating their data must stay in the UK.

It would be nice to get an ETA on the full rollout to all DCs (as Chris said in his blog post, levelling up so all DCs support all services.)

You’ve given estimated timescales for the rollout of NVMe, why can’t you for Object Storage?

Of course dates are likely to change and that’s ok, but giving us some idea of if it’s 6 months or 6 years would really be useful :)

We too are interested in an ETA.


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