Unable To Sign Up: No Plan was Found That Could Match Your

I'm getting the following when I try creating a LiNode account:

> The following ERRORS occured

  • no plan was found that could match your request. Please narrow your selection, and try again.

I tried selecting different plans, tried using IE, FireFox, different computers, etc. I don't think the problem is on my end.

Also, I haven't received a response via the service email address.

Is LiNode customer service normally this good?


3 Replies

I'm pretty sure you are getting those errors because there are no Linodes available.

As seen at the bottom of the specs list on this page.


Try signing up when there are some available.


Thanks. It appears that's the case.

Estimate of 8/15. So obviously they are either behind or sold out again.

I'm surprised their infrastructure isn't scaleable enough to just add new blades as needed. :?

I think you will find that is because Linode don't oversell their machines and there is a limited number of virtual machines per host machine, that makes for a finite number of Linodes available and this in turn creates a better server environment for customers.


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