Sites are down by midnight & a restart of the linode resurfaces the sites. All i have done is update the server to Ubuntu LTS 20.04.1 from 18 LTS

Hi All,

Sites are down by midnight & a restart of the linode resurfaces the sites. All i have done is update the server to Ubuntu LTS 20.04.1 from 18 LTS. I chose to install the upgrade inplace from SSH. Yes, not a clean install.

Everythings becomes normal and the sites are up after I reboot the linode from interface. All along the FTP and ssh work fine


  1. A look at your Linode's console log shows a couple of errors.

[FAILED] Failed to start Raise network interfaces.

[FAILED] Failed to start The Apache HTTP Server

  1. All sites are being served by NGINX

  2. Auto-configure Networking is set to GREY

  3. /etc/network/interfaces looks like this(below)

Generated by Linode Network Helper

Fri Aug 3 00:40:25 2018 UTC

iface eth0 inet static

This file is automatically generated on each boot with your Linode's

current network configuration. If you need to modify this file, please

first disable the 'Auto-configure Networking' setting within your Linode's

configuration profile:



For more information on Network Helper:



A backup of the previous config is at /etc/network/.interfaces.linode-last

A backup of the original config is at /etc/network/.interfaces.linode-orig



This file describes the network interfaces available on your system

and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*

The loopback network interface

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

This is an autoconfigured IPv6 interface

iface eth0 inet6 auto

The primary network interface

auto eth0

Any help is appreciated. It would be too difficult for me to go for clean install now. At the same time, I can not restart linode every morning for me sites to appear!


2 Replies

when the sites go down, can you still ssh and ping your linode?

I would disable apache even if it's not causing the problem, something like systemctl disable apache2 (I'm not 100% sure if it's apache2, or apache or something else) you could even mask it, systemctl mask apache2

if you can ssh on in the morning when the sites go down, check nginx is still running

sudo ss -nlpt | grep :80

systemctl status nginx

and look at its logs

journalctl -b -u nginx

if you can't ssh on, check out your interface in the cloud managers console ip ad

and re "[FAILED] Failed to start Raise network interfaces." have a look at the logs for starting the networking, journalctl -b -u networking

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Other than the (very hard-to-read) copy/paste from /etc/network/interfaces your post doesn't make a lot of sense. What, exactly, are you asking? I don't exactly know what your problem is…only that you apparently got some console log errors on the initial boot after an Ubuntu upgrade (which I would expect, frankly).

@crashbunny --

The Apache service is called apache2. The OP says that ftp(1) and ssh(1) work fine.

-- sw


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