How do i move my wordpress site over?

Linode doesn't seem to have any file manager and i need to upload my 'install.php' and the archive to my new site but i cqan't. filezilla isn't working eother giving me a these errors.

1 Reply

Linodes are typically accessed via the command line, and do not have a built-in GUI for managing files. That said, you have a couple of options for migrating your Wordpress site to your Linode. If you'd like to use a GUI control panel, you can install one on your Linode. cPanel is a popular choice, but there are several options that work well. If this will be a one-time project that won't require a control panel for site management moving forward, you can use a tool such as Filezilla or rsync. It doesn't look like your Filezilla errors were provided in this post; if you can post them here, the Linode Community can take a look and get you pointed in the right direction for troubleshooting. You also may be able to migrate your Wordpress site using Wordpress' admin site itself.


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