Apache is serving the default page after reboot

I have a UBUNTU at Linode and run several websites with it.
In the last few days my server seems to have rebooted.
Since then I see my website which was installed with Wordpress only as "Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page".

Can someone here in this forum give me a tip on how to restore my Wordpress website?

The website is powered by litespeed.


2 Replies

@slike, have you checked the status of your Litespeed service? You can do so following the steps in the Did all of your services start after the reboot? section of the below guide.

It is possible that you may see the Apache default page if you have both Apache and Litespeed installed on your server, but Litespeed is not running. Checking it's status will be one of the first troubleshooting steps.

Additional Resources

Edit: For clarification and tor provide additional resources.

If the web server wasn’t running, you would not see a 404. You would get a “cannot connect to server” or “connection refused.”

— sw


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