I am trying to restore a backup to an existing Linode - fails!

I am restoring a backup from one server to a new existing Linode - same size etc. However it has failed twice. It appears to resume when I try again, usually at 50%, but last time it failed it got to around 74% (when I resumed it went back to 50% complete and started restoring from there again). Is there something I am missing here?

Error messages:

Backup restoration started for eu-central-backup by temabu. (7 minutes, 18 seconds) 2020-08-11 23:03:29
Linode eu-central-backup has been shut down by temabu. (27 seconds) 2020-08-11 23:03:29
Backup restoration failed for eu-central-backup by temabu. (1 hour, 14 minutes) 2020-08-11 17:47:47
Linode eu-central-backup has been shut down by temabu. (5 seconds) 2020-08-11 17:47:47
Backup restoration failed for eu-central-backup by temabu. (1 hour, 14 minutes) 2020-08-11 16:18:00

4 Replies

Hi @temabu - Sometimes when a backup is being restored some temporary files, such as socket files, aren't able to be restored successfully. This will cause the backup to be marked as 'failed' even if it's only one or two temporary files. Try booting your Linode up normally and see if it works as you expect.

Because files like socket files are used by programs while they're running, they can't be restored by the backups service. However, they won't interfere with the normal operation of your Linode if they're missing.

If your Linode isn't booting up after the restore, or you suspect things aren't working as they should, feel free to open a ticket and myself or another member of the support team will be happy to help you out.

ok - you were right - it was ok - it booted. Perhaps a message on this approach should be added to the backup and restore instructions? Wasted hours retrying the restore… :(

We get it, and this is something we're working on. Since ultimately the restores in these situations are successful, we're looking into ways that the Cloud Manager will reflect that so these aren't marked as failures.

I've passed along your feedback on this as well.


I had the same problem today. My linode has restored correctly and is fully functional but the notification said " backup restoration failed ".



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